• Sunday early morning local news program. The stadium crew is busy setting up chairs in the middle of Investco Field.

    News anchor: … and preparations are underway for what is expected to be largest single event at Investco Field…

    (Quick Channel Change)

    Mid-morning: News reporter standing next to the highway at I-70 and the Kansas border. Eighty percent of the vehicles going west are UPS trucks, both delivery and feeder trucks.

    Reporter: …here on I-70 at the Kansas border since dawn. As you can see behind me, a majority of the vehicles passing by are the familiar brown color, and it shows no signs of letting up…

    (Quick Channel Change)

    Noon: News reporter in the control tower at Denver International Airport. Outside UPS planes are parked everywhere on the tarmac. Three lines of planes in the sky can be seen on the approach. The radar shows a solid line of planes in the air ready to land. In the background an air traffic controller is giving direction to countless UPS flights.

    Reporter: …from the main control tower at Denver International Airport. Usually a quiet time for the airport, this Sunday afternoon controllers are busy directing planes and finding space on the ground for all this incoming traffic. Fortunately, the three parallel north-south runway configuration allows concurrent…

    (Quick Channel Change)

    Dusk: News reporter at one of the entrances at Investco Field. The parking lot behind her is filled with UPS trucks of various sizes, some of which are still in the process of parking. A steady stream of UPS drivers are the only ones entering into the stadium.

    Reporter: …everywhere I look I see more and more brown. Delivery trucks of all sizes and even the big 18 wheelers are quickly taking every available parking spot.

    Switches to helicopter footage showing the stadium and surrounding parking lots. All are filled with different sized UPS trucks and drivers walking towards the stadium. The highway and most nearby roads contain mostly UPS trucks.

    Reporter: I’ve just received a parking update. All Investco Field parking—FULL. Pepsi Center lots—FULL. Auraria campus and Coors Field—ALL FULL. Officials are requesting that drivers…

    (Quick Channel Change)

    Evening: News reporter inside Investco Field. The stadium seats and the entire field are all filled with UPS drivers finding their seats with the exception of a small square shaped stage in the middle of the field with a single microphone on a stand on the edge of the stage. The crowd is talking amongst themselves creating a high energy level.

    Reporter: …standing room only here inside the stadium. We have gotten word that the ceremony will begin momentarily. The latest official attendance is 91,312 with a few latecomers trickling in the gates. This is by far the largest single event to be held at this stadium.

    The audience lights start to dim and two dozen spotlights around the stadium light up the stage.

    Reporter: It looks like things are starting up. We are going to try and get a close-up now.

    The camera zooms into the stage. The crowd quiets down surprisingly quickly. A small girl wearing a dress walks up to the microphone clutching a doll and a small book. The microphone is a little bit too high on the stand, so she has to reach up on her tip toes to get it. She puts the microphone to her mouth, hesitates a second, and says, “Thank you Santa.” Then, not sure what to do, she looks around, sets the microphone on the stage, and runs over to her mother waiting for her on the side of the stage.

    The entire crowd starts clapping and cheering wildly. They all rise to their feet to give her a standing ovation. Then it fades out to brown and says “What can brown do for you?”

  • Announcer: Do you have a girlfriend?

    [Shots of three different guys nodding]

    Announcer: Is she perfect for you?

    [First guy nods, and the other two shake their heads]

    Announcer: Is she inflatable?

    [First two guys look offended, the third one give and apologetic shrug]

    Announcer: If you answered “Yes” or “No” to any of these questions, or if you haven’t changed the channel yet, you need the IGF 3000! After months of continuous use, inflatable girlfriends, or IGFs, have been known to malfunction and produce undesirable behaviors.

    [Shot of man and IGF in bed with the man shivering and all the sheets on top of the IGF]

    [Shot of man and IGF sitting on the couch. She is holding the remote. He says in a whiny voice, “Mannequin again?”]

    [Shot of IGF sitting at the kitchen table wearing a wife beater and boxer shorts with a cheap can of beer in her hand and a lit cigar in her mouth]

    Announcer: If this sounds like you, DON’T WORRY! The developers of the IGF 3000 have used “science” and “technology” to make everything all better!

    [Shot of a lab. One guy is furiously fake typing on an old Commodore 64. Another guy is intently watching a test tube of liquid boil while occasionally looking at something on his clipboard. It turns out to be a comic book.]

    Announcer: But wait! If you order now, we will throw in the “enhancement pack” ABSOLUTELY… at the regular price. In addition to all the basic features already described, the enhanced version will make your IGF even more productive around the house. She can exercise the pets.

    [Shot of IGF in sweat suit being dragged along the sidewalk by a dog on a leash. Then dog is shown riding her leg.]

    Announcer: She can run errands.

    [Shot of IGF driving a car in regular clothes]

    Announcer: She can even work on an oil rig!

    [Shot of sign saying “Footage not available”]

    Announcer: Quantities are, well, in theory, limited, so order now before your pesky roommate comes home and sees what you are doing!

  • Here is a picture of Katherine and I in front of our 2007 Kinetics craft.  Why a covered wagon?  Well, the rap song we sung at the parade explained it all.  Katherine sang the first part and I sang the second part.

    It started all out with my old man
    An old school player doing all he can
    Not much for progress, hard work was the key
    But he never even heard of Manifest Destiny

    But thing got ugly real quick one day
    When pa came home early from bailing hay
    He walked around the barn on the way to the can
    Just to see us playing a little “Jack and Diane”

    So he loaded up the wagon with a months supplies
    Not even time for some quick goodbyes
    It came to me as we walked across this land
    Kids, take it from me, parents just don’t understand

    So I was cruising down the prairie just me and my doll
    When along came an English man six feet tall
    With a long knit scarf and some curly hair
    He jumped into a box that wasn’t quite there

    I don’t have time to explain it all
    But come with me and you will have a ball
    I’ll take you to a place that’s fun and new
    Cause I’m the original Doctor Who

    So he brought us down to the here and now
    And before we knew it he was saying chow
    I’d love to stay and watch you complete the race
    But I have to bounce around through time and space

    So we plan to run the race in its entirety
    In our 1806 S.U.V.