Category: Uncategorized

  • 2011 Wrap Up

    there are more methods of calculating web traffic than there are ways to deep fry a Snickers bar

  • Error Codes

    Wow, I was just looking back at my latest posts, and I realized that I haven’t posted any real updates about my personal life in a very long time.  So here goes. We recently added a +1 to our family:  Samatha Rose Lutfey.  So now we have a total of one husband, one wife, two…

  • Most Effective Barrier Method

    While various barrier methods of birth control have been around since the ancient Egyptians were putting up those lovely pyramids, I’ve come to realize the most effective barrier method to date. Step one:  The woman lays down on the bed on the left side.  She can position herself on her stomach, back, or side– whichever position…